Queensland Regional Medical Education (QRME) and Darling Downs Health are delighted to share that Dr Blake Jones has been announced as the Health Group Winner for Outstanding First Peoples Alumnus Award for 2020.
Dr Jones is a Griffith University graduate having undertaken both the Bachelor of Medical Science and the Doctor of Medicine. He is currently a junior doctor at the Toowoomba Hospital in the area of renal medicine, and recently completed a rotation to Goondiwindi.
Dr Jones is a proud Birpai man, born in Port Macquarie, New South Wales and later raised on the Gold Coast, and he has ‘a strong passion for medical education, First Peoples Health and rural medicine.’ His aspiration to be a rural and regional physician stem from the placements he undertook whilst studying at Griffith University. These included:
- Goolburri Aboriginal Health Advancement
- Palm Island Family Medical Centre
- Gympie Hospital
- Toowoomba Hospital
At only 25 years of age Dr Jones has already established himself as a committed physician eager to support his community and fellow young doctors. He is currently involved in mentoring and teaching third- and fourth-year Griffith Medical students enrolled in the ‘Longlook’ program. ‘In this role I provide tuition, clinical teaching and remediation to medical students; develop learning resources and offer mentorship; and facilitate educational hub days.’ Dr Jones said.
Dr Jones has also been working with the First Peoples Health Unit and QRME to establish a mentoring pathway for First People’s Medical Students.
Griffith University Associate Professor and Head of Education and Training at QRME, Dr Kay Brumpton said ‘It is fantastic to see Blake recognised with this award in acknowledgment for his dedication to First Peoples Health and rural medicine.’
Darling Downs Health Director of Medical Services Doctor Hwee Sin Chong said this award is a testament to Blake’s dedication and commitment to Indigenous health.
“Blake is a passionate mentor to our interns at Toowoomba Hospital, and we were proud to hear the news he won this award,” Dr Hwee Sin Chong said.
‘We very much look forward to seeing what Blake achieves next.”
Dr Jones will now progress to the Griffith University Awards with recipients from other groups. The awards ceremony is schedule for 11 September and will likely be delivered in digital format.

Dr Blake Jones, Health Group Winner Griffith University Outstanding First Peoples Alumnus Award 2020.
For more information please contact Fiona Bryce, QRME Media Officer – 0400 029 258