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Rural Medical Education Reconciliation Action Plan

August 23, 2022

Rural Medical Education have built a reconciliation action plan encompassing 2022 through to 2025.

The Uluru Statement from the Heart is the foundation on which we, RuralMedEd, have built
our reconciliation action plan. We recognise the hardships inflicted on the first sovereign
Nations of Australia by dispossession and colonisation, we acknowledge that health and
education are pivotal contributors to the reforms desperately required to resolve these
hardships, and we acknowledge our unique sphere of influence in research, learning and

Through our work, RuralMedEd has access to and impacts on the training of medical
students, vocational education and training students and rural general practitioners. With
this access comes a great opportunity to acknowledge the past and positively influence
the future health of First Nations People. Through teaching and research, we can improve
the clinical and cultural competence of the next generation of doctors and health
workers in rural Australia.

To this end, the medical training programs and research projects supported by RuralMedEd
are firmly directed to ensuring access to high-quality, culturally-competent primary care by
delivering appropriate clinical and cultural competency training to health learners providing
services to rural Queenslanders. These efforts are and will continue to contribute to closing
the gap in health equity for rural and First Nations communities.

To read a full copy of the Reconciliation Action Plan click here

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